Diana A
7 min readApr 26, 2021


IronHack UX/UI DESIGN project 1.

As a future UX/UI designers, we had to do a group project. The topic is Cultural & Heritage. We were a group of 5 persons. We worked on our first project for a week. My team members are Kevin, Hélène, Léo and Elsa.

CONTEXT : Since the 70s, museums and other public institutions have been suffering a profound crisis. In the heart of this kind of institution, there’s the mission of making heritage accessible to all. They build the bridges between objects and people, for them to be enjoyed by citizens.
How Might We help museums and other public institutions bring people closer and fulfill their mission to preserve and activate cultural heritage in the 21st century?


First, we worked on Figma at the lean survey canvas to determine the questions we would ask the users. We interviewed 5 people and we concluded that:

87% are frustrated about the crowd in the museums.
55% of users goes to a museum between 1–3 times /year.
69% of users spend less than €25 per month.
66% of users are between 25 and 34 years old.


  • Reduce the frustration of waiting in the queues
  • Entertain the users
the lean survey canvas


After the lean survey canvas, we grouped gains, pains, demographics and habits in subgroups that helped us to do the HMWs.
After, we voted the best HMWs.

The affinity diagram


We used the empathy map as a collaborative tool team to gain a deeper insight into the customers.


“I’m interested in everything, all styles of museums. I don’t have preferences as long as I get to learn.” — Lorène, 28 y.o.

“The crowd! The lines really spoil the fun.” — Liliane, 58 y.o.

“Do you visit the museum alone? Yes, I’ve never found a wingman to go with (LMAO).” — Mathilde,25y.o.

“Museum or exhibition are a way to escape.” Hugo, 29 y.o.

“For something unique, I could afford to pay an expensive price!” Vincent, 30 y.o.


86.7% are frustrated about the crowd in the museums.

“The queue. Crowded exhibitions like the one of Caravaggio where there were so many heads in the way of the paintings are just so crowded.”

“The crowd! The lines really spoil the fun.”

the empathy map


The user persona

Our User Persona is Emily. She is 30 years old and lives in Paris. She enjoys museums, especially the historic ones, but she hates waiting too much in the queue. Also, she likes reading books like biographies. Indeed, the main paint points we found out in the interviews is that 86.7% are frustrated about the crowd in the museums.

Her goal is to maintain her cultural knowledge during this pandemic by discovering new things to do and to kept informed about exhibits.


The user journey

The Emily’s journey begins when she notices an advertising in the metro. Curious by nature, Emily grabs her phone to search some information and purchase two tickets at the Orsay museum to visit it the same afternoon with a friend. She arrives and waits for 30mn in rain, because of people queuing. When she enters, she barely can’t see the paintings because of the crowd. She visits the museum for 2–3 hours with her habits like listening to her favorite playlist and podcast. She finishes the visit and goes out to meet some friends in a bar and talks about her experience. She would have loved to see more of this exhibit, and she feels that needs more information to satisfy her curiosity.

  • Some opportunities that we propose would be to optimize the ticket booking app to display visitor’s affluence”. In order to avoid the frustration of the waiting time in the queue, it could be interesting to create games, activities, quiz and documentation related to the museum and the exhibition”, Augmented Reality (see the colors moving and coming out of the frames), Gamification and quiz to increase interactions…
    After the visit : HMW make her see the missing paintings on the exhibition (because of the crowd)“buy books at the end of the exhibition”, scan a QR Code to save information about the paintings” and “Virtual Reality version of the exhibition to visualize the art pieces without the crowds.”
  • Feedback: Create a Virtual Reality representation of the exhibit with full scenography; one opportunity or challenge for museum is to continue customer experience after his physical visit; allows the visitors to vote on the app, or participate in quiz to win rewards.



1. Offer an extra experience that the visitor didn’t expect to receive.
2. Encourage the user’s curiosity awaken during the waiting line and focused as possible during the event?
3. Make the visitors interact more between each other during the visit to feel less alone / to boost their experience?


Each member of the team made some pen & paper sketches, came out with different ideas, and then we put it all together.

Diana’s sketches

My idea was to scan the painting and to get the infos about it, also you can add a musical background depending on the period/style of the artwork.
And if you are not present at museum you can anytime see the Augmented Reality of the artwork just to deliver an engaging user experience.

Helen’s sketches

Helene thought about adding a game, with scores and trophies to unlock.

Elsa’s sketches

Elsa sketched about the user flow, to purchase a ticket, and also how to access the quiz during the queue.

Leo’s sketches

Leo sketched the idea of a virtual friend that will be your company during the visit, more for the children like a Pokémon :D and after this you can share all your photos on social media.

Kevin’s sketches

Kevin thought on the idea of a digital ticket, Augmented Reality treasure hunt and a quiz for all the levels (beginner till expert lvl) after this you can share all your experiences on social networks.

In Miro, we created a flow for the user, it’s what we thought about the entire app, but we decided to focus on the biggest pain point which is the waiting time, so the quiz feature.

the user flow


Our History lover Emily arrives in front of the museum and notices that even with buying a ticket the wait is going to be long, she decides to take the quiz that she noticed earlier while booking.

Difficulty : We wanted to be inclusive since our audience is broad.
The activities should please our history lover as well as engage with a younger audience that might not be interested in the artwork.

3. Inside or outside the museum. 1 Make the wait mire educational 2. Make the exhibit more interactive and memorable

4. Sample screen from a quiz > Artwork breadcrumb timer bar under the image

5. Sample screen during the exhibition AR related treasure hunt

6. Feedback page : links to other medias, social link but also ladder board to compare your performance

Next steps:

HI-FI Prototype for testing sessions
Develop other immersive features: other games using augmented reality; immersive experience using virtual reality
Get a personalized visiting dashboard
Ideal visit time to avoid crowds
Artificial intelligence features subscription premium services

In conclusion…

For our first project I found that it was an interesting topic to create an app for a museum. We had just a week to do it, and it was quite challenging but at the end we did it! Each member came with creative ideas, and it was a really great first experience.

Thank you for your attention !

